Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Paul's Case" Post #1 (Due Friday, 10/17)

As already mentioned in class, my goal through blogging is to open up a new medium by which we use technology to our advantage to discuss and share various aspects of literature outside of the classroom. Feel free to post any ambiguities or questions , formulate any connections, raise meaningful and insightful points regarding "Paul's Case", thoughts, or even debate issues amongst one another (keeping in mind that it is the issue we are debating, not the author of the post). Also make sure you leave your: LAST NAME, FIRST INITIAL (PERIOD #). Anonymous posts will be deleted regardless of its insight.

I will try to "prime" our literary minds by posing a few questions, however you are not obligated to respond to any of them...they are merely rhetorical questions. What are your thoughts regarding Paul, your diagnosis if you will? Some have commented by stating that Paul is delusional, living in a fairy he? Will "Paul's World" catch up with him? Is he a perfectly normal or average individual with an overly active imagination or does he act with reckless abandon and is headed for complete disaster?

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard the expression that when two worlds collide nothing good can come it. I believe that paul's two parrallel universes will collide causeing a hoorible mishappening.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Paul is simply misunderstood.....
Cordelia St. is dull & lifeless...houses and kids there are all the same.
His own house is a complete he's not so connected with his dad.
Therefore, I somewhat see why he gets by through his own world.
It's not that he has a wild imagination, it's the fact that the real world is so horrible compared to it.
His world may become reality, but I think there's a very slim chance for it to happen.
Yea.....he's a normal a screwed up environment.

Anonymous said...

Paul needs to figure out what want to do with his life. He is stuck in these two worlds which is his fantasy world and the real world. He imagines himself being in the fantasy world but he has to face reality and give the real world his vivacious personality he gives the fantasy world. He lives in a fairy tale that won't happen. I don't think he is a perfectly average individual because he has two different personalities. paul does have an overly active imagination. I think he is just hungry for attention and love.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul's unique, because he isn't really like everyone around him. However at the same time he's kind of odd. He's sort of living in his own little fairy tale, because he tries to escape his life by working at the theatre, where everything is warm and bright, and alive. While in reality, things aren't so great for Paul. He's not delusional, he's just desperate to feel alive, and to be happy. I think "Paul's world" may end up catching up with him, and it will overwhelm him. He may end up feeling like everything's too much to handle, especially since he's becoming so used to his little "fairytale".
Maybe it won't end up catching up to him, and he'll get lucky. Maybe he'll get to stay at his favorite place and continue to be happy.
He is overall pretty normal, he just wants to find something to make him happy. He does kind of act with reckless abandonment because he isn't paying much attention to anything BUT the theatre. So those actions might lead to a disaster.

Minkewicz, S 4E.

Anonymous said...



Shelby said...

Paul has an extensive imagination. He seems a little bipolar but its when he gets around certain people he acts how the people think he should act. (if that makes sense) Paul isn't living in a fairy tale. he daydreams a little two much. I personally think hes like any other person who just has big dreams.

Anonymous said...

I think that Paul is just normal kid with an overactive imagination. He also is a kid that is misunderstood! Paul just wants to be liked by the kids in school so he lies. what kid do you know that doesn't lie at one time in there life?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with the blogger that says "Paul is simply misunderstood". I think if i were in his situation or living his life I would act as he does. I know the feeling of living somewhere that seems to have no changes, its kind of like living the same day twice but in his "fantasy world" he can escape all of that. I think one day he will be able to make his fantasy reality because of his deep interest and fascination.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think that Paul was born in the wrong time, place and social status.
His ideal life would be to be born to a wealthy, well to do family, so that he can experience the "fine arts" as much as he likes. He seems not too good for his family, but completely different, in both ideals and perspectives.

I think something bad is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

MR FALCONE THIS IS HORRIBLE!!! i just wrong a long splurg on how i felt about paul and it disappeared!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
well all i have 2 say is paul is weird and misunderstood and that's probably why he's so weird. i dnt feel he's stuvk in a fariy tale because there is definitely no fairy tale where he's from but more like his own world. He's definitely not normal nor reckless but i agree that he has a very overly active imagination that i dont think will lead to complete disaster but its probably not a good thing either. i guess i'll never know because we shall never finish the story, MWAH HA HA HA.. HAHAHA....! (thats my EVIL laugh, lmao!)

Anonymous said...

(Falcone...) As ive been stating throughout the story Paul is kind of unique but in a very very wierd way.He is a blast mixture of incompletion.Paul is stuck within his reality world wishing that he is in his fantasy world.I also agree that Paul's two diffrent worlds will indeed clash and most likely bring corruption to himself and to everyone around him.

Anonymous said...

Paul is a pretty eccentric, out there character. I see a lot of angst and despair in him, yet, there is still that glimpse of hope he conceals in his dream world. I was just thinking about this today actually, I'm noticing Paul sort of reminds me of myself. Now, I wouldn't say on the drama side, but his way of thinking sometimes can relate with mine. I'm very into my music, such as Paul is. I mean, it's a way to escape. Just to play my music and use my talents on my instruments, it's a God given gift. What with all the problems of today's society, stock market, politics, poverty, disease, etc, we can turn to music as a rock to lean on. To me, music is really the only thing that makes sense anymore. Now, all of what I described above, I'd say that's my "real world". Sort of similar to Paul's, but a few things differ. As for the "dream world", I'd say we're pretty alike in that aspect.
In reading less than 10 pages so far, we've learned so much, but with a bunch left, we can only hope to find more insight into the mind of Paul.

Anonymous said...

I think that Paul is a regular teenager, but misunderstood. In this story Paul suffers from depression, rebellion, etc which are definite signs of being a teenager. Things are not that great in the real world, so he lives in this fantasy world which is actually his job and other hobbies such as dancing. Paul is really a creative young man, but has a hard time expressing who he really is...maybe because of his "loved" ones. Plus, you gotta think of the time period, this book takes place in the early 20th century where many people were just beginning to speak for themselves and becoming their own individual - men and women.
He loved dance, theater, and art...maybe that was frowned upon back in those days, so he hides who he really is because of what others think...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jamal. I belive that people judge Paul because he acts a little strange, but they do not know what he goes through at home. He is afraid of his OWN father and, he really dislikes his house also. People don't understand Paul's interest, because they never see him while he is attending the Opera. The only people who know is the children at the Opera.


Anonymous said...

I think in the story that Paul is not misunderstood. He lives a life of a kid who doesnt have a point of life because he is miserable to everyone else unless he's at Carnegie Hall. At school hes a bad kid and gets suspended and always in trouble but yet whens he's at the hall he doesn't have any attitude or problem with most people. He is just a wreck and he will eventually just crash.haha. Hopefully sometime soon. Thats All.

Anonymous said...

okay FALCIZZO, I really don't like this story so far, it's just okay i guess. I believe that there is nothing wrong with Paul, he just has an active imagination. If he wanted to be part of that world, he should've done something to get discovered ya know?? Well if he wanted to live that life, he could've talk to the person who runs the performances at the hall, but he doesn't do that does he? I honestly believe that if he had a friend that his life would be MUCH better. Sometimes you just need a person you can relate to and he doesn't have anyone like that. To top it off his mother is dead so he doesn't have anyone who can show him compasssion, he's missing love in his world. This reality and fantasy world is kinda weird,but totally understandable. I mean everybody dreams about things like that, especially girls. My overall thoughts of Paul is that he is confused and Misunderstood.

ward,m (4e)

Anonymous said...

okay FALCIZZO, this is my last one LOL.:P I also think that if we would have learned more about Paul's life at home, we would have gotten a better understanding of why Paul is like this. The author should have talked more about his sisters and the way they feel about Paul. If they did i could've clearly seen why he feels like this. Paul is the outcast of his family. He feels as though he doesn't fit in anywhere,and most kids can relate to that if they aren't the only kids in their house. It seems like no matter what Paul does he won't be good enough to please his father. And (I know you can't start a sentence with and) the fact that his father took away his priviliges like ushering at the hall and helping Charley Edwards change is really messed up. Now what is he suppose to do for fun, what is he suppose to do to make him happy? As it seemed before like his life couldn't get any worse,it did. I feel bad for Paul and what his father has done. I know how it feels to get something you love taken away.

Rachel said...

Lucas, R (4E)

I think Paul is a bit of a strange kid. It seems that no one but him really understands how he feels about things. To me, he seems a bit autistic based on the fact that he has to do things a certain way. He does get judged by his teachers and his peers. It seems a bit unfair, but I guess that's how life was at the time.

Anonymous said...

I don't really know what to say about Paul. His character confuses me. Sometimes in class I read ahead to see what the ending will be like, and I still get stuck. I judged Paul to be the uncaring type. The type who didn't care about school, about life, and where he would end up. But that was before I realized that Paul too had dreams. Paul did have a life, and a future. And there are many things in life that Paul cares about. He has a deep artistic side, which usually says that a person is full of emotions. Artistic people usually view people and things more deeply than others, and are open-minded. But Paul is different. Paul has alot of anger stored inside that keeps him behind the window in the life he don't want to live. If he would just open up, and be alittle kinder, he might make it to the other side. But right now I can't tell. I'll just have to finish reading.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul needs to leave his Fairy-tale world behind. He is too obsessed with it and his future will be in jeopardy. He needs to wake up and spell the coffee. If he doesnt get serious soon, he will be staring at the Schenley on the street for a living.

Anonymous said...

FALCIZZIE WHATS GOOD!!...Well anyways i agree with the two people that say paul is just missunderstood. Paul seem to want better for himself but he can't make it happen because he has little or no help so he use this "fantasy world" to substitude for what he cant have. I also think that with out his mother paul feels alone. I mean in one world he's looked down apon by his teachers. His teachers don't even try to push him to do better, instead they all go against him and try to get him kicked out of school, most likely lowering his confidence and killing his willingness to learn and/or pay attention. In the other world he's looked down apon by his father, who seems uninterested in his sons life and doesn't even care enough to go to Paul's suspension hearing. With both of these worlds coming down on him he has no one or nothing to turn to so like a majority of us he turns to the music in his fantasy world to bring him the peace he needs

Anonymous said...

Im starting to like this story. in the begging it was a so-so story to me but now that we have learned what happend to Paul im really starting to like this.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what steve said, I can also relate to Paul. I know with myself, whenever the demands of the real world get to difficult, I can always turn to music. I can just grab my Ipod, go anywhere by myself and just listen to my music, and most liekly sing along! The "real world" is a lot more difficult to deal with. It's a lot easier, sometimes, to just close your eyes and go somewhere else for a little while.
I think Paul is an interesting character but, like everyone, has many layers. He hides his true feelings from his family and teachers, and is only his true self when he is in his "fantasy world". But there comes a time when you have to face reality, and I think that's what Paul has to do.

Anonymous said...

The extraordinary thing about personality is that it sets ones individuality and uniqueness. It creates social diversity and cuts out social monotony. With that being said, Paul's personality and ways of thinking are very admirable to me. Although the life he lives day to day is drab and bleak, his creative thinking opens the doors to his imagination in which he "escapes" the real world. Many people who aren't creative and live under the same circumstances as Paul in real life, have to live their dull lives without any means of breaking away from the realness of the world and experiencing the fantasies and optimism Paul does. To others, Paul may seem: weird, strange and just plain crazy, but I see Paul as a leader in a sense. He leads by showing that you don't have to be afraid to use your imagination and creativeness to escape the hardships of reality.

Anonymous said...

I think that Paul does not fit in with the normal social structure and because of how he thinks and acts is misunderstood by everyone.

Anonymous said...

I agree with sheby i think Paul is a little bipolar. I dont agree with what we were talking about in class that he is doing all this for attenion. He if he was doing this all for a attension then he would'nt be all depressed and he would want to go the school so he can be the center of attenion. He just has problems i personally think that Paul is "crazy". He is a teenager and he walking around in some fantcy world. I think Paul needs to grow up or get some help right. That all i have to say about Paul.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Paul is complicated. It is as if he has two people living in him. At school and home he is completely miserable, but once he flees to the stand up comedy place or carnagie hall he is vivacious and I belive, shows his true self. Although he may seem misunderstood, he doesn't give up in what he loves doing and that's what makes Paul "Paul". When his dad takes away his privledges to carnigie hall, he runs away to keep hold of that fantasy dream, to keep living that utopia of being somebody, to feel important. He goes to almost to an extreme to keep hold of that.

Anonymous said...

Paul is a sixteen-year old,boy who struggles with his identity. Paul struggles with external and internal conflicts.It's the conflict between conformity and individuality. In the lives of the people around him, Paul seems abnormal. To Paul he is misunderstood. The conflict is caused by the things around him,the "REAL WORLD" as we see it. At, school where he finds little things to bother his teachers. In his hood, Cordelia Street where life seems boring. On Cordelia Street all the houses are the same. The kids love math and go to Sabbath School. The men sit on the gay cushions and chat about thier money and also about thire son's success. Paul's father doesn't talk about Paul he talks about another successful kid ,in which Paul disagrees. Thw women sit on front porches and gossip. Then, his ugly house. There were portraits of George Washington and John Calvin. Paul was already nervous because of his crazy,psycho dad. The house was ugly. He compared his room to a sleeping chamber. The cold bathroom with the grimy zinc tub, the cracked mirrors, and coming home to a hairy father. These things all were an conflict. All were a part of the "Real World". To be happy Paul must fantasize. In his "Fantasy World", Paul visits Carnegie Hall and the art gallery . He gets caught in the music and art and it's something to keep him going. Their's also a woman he weirdly follows. Until, one day he is punished and can't lce in this "Fantasy World" anymore. So Paul decides to run away. I think Paul needs help and it could start with his father but is it too late? because Paul has ran away to New York.

Anonymous said...

Paul is a case. He is a six-teen year old boy who is just misunderstood , but to the people around him he is abnormal. Paulseems to struggle a little with his identity. Paul struggles with internal and external conflicts. What's wrong is the Real World. At school, he does little things to gets on the teachers nerves. In his hood, On Cordelia Street , it's a respectable street but rather boring to Paul. The kids like math and attend Sabbath School. Thw women sit on fron porches and gossip. The men sit on thier little gay cushions and conversate about money and thier sons success. Paul' s father doesn't talk about Paul but he talks about another boy. He was clerk to one of the magnates of a great steel corporation, and was looked upon in Cordelia Street as a young man with a future. At home, he looked at it as "UGLY".His room an .ugly sleeping chamber. Also their cold bath-room with the grimy zinc tub, the cracked mirror,and the dripping spiggots.Paul didn't even want to sleep in his ugly yellow wallpapered room.And his weird,hairy father waiting for him . He perfered to sleep in the basement, which was weird because who sleeps in basements. He was afraid of the rats and him making a sound and being mistakenly killed. All was an sign of the "Real World". So he fantasized. He had an different world . It was one of the lady that lived in the Scheneley building. Him being the model usher at Carnegie Hall. It was also him at the art gallery. All was in his "Fantasy World". Until one day he is punished for getting suspended. Now he couldn't go to his "Fantasy World". Paul then, takes action and runs away. I think Paul just need help and needs to be loved. It should start at home. But is it too late?

Brandon Logan (P3R!OD$#7)

Anonymous said...

hey mr. falcone dont you think that if paul was seeking attention that he would be trying to get it from his father, not his teachers. I dont know but I dont think that he is trying to get everyones attention.

Anonymous said...

Paul is sick of his life. He feels like he doesn't belong living with the society he is in. He doesn't want a mediocre life anymore. Paul desires a life of luxury and impressive people. His mindset and ideals differ greatly from those of his family, teachers, and peers. Paul has an identity crisis.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul is very normal. He has different personalities for each place. He reminds me of a friend that i know really well. She acts differently for each place. For example, in school she is very calm/quiet and studious, at home she is very talkative but calm and lazy, at church she talk but not long one and very calm, going out with friends she is very hyper but a litle bit calm, and very alive (vivacious). You may think that she act like a hypocrite but she is really not, it is just the normal way she act. So for me, Paul is normal kid, nothing to worry about. I also understand him very well because sometime when i'm bored i like to imagine something that make me alive and happy again.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Paul is not "living in a fairytale", he's just a big dreamer. He completely hates the life he is currently living and he lets it get to him. The only way for him to escape everything, is to go into his "fantasy world". In Paul's mind, he wishes to live among the wealthiest, most elaborate people, and live for the opera and theater. Music is one of the only things Paul has ever been exposed to aside from his everyday life. It's exciting, intriguing, and beautiful, everything his real life is not. I think thats why he has become so attached to the theater and living in this "fantasy world".

In the end Paul will need a reality check because you can't spend your life in the back of your mind, or wasting it away on an impossible dream. If he never realizes that he needs to take his head out of the clouds I think he'll end up living a very sad and depressing life. He needs to take charge of his future in the real world, and learn to love what he's got or suffer.

Anonymous said...

Paul seems to be more than anything, a rebel. He is most definitely misunderstood. He seems to be a very complex person, juggling both a fantasy world and reality. I wouldn't blame him for running away because not even his father understands him, which sucks because it seems like thats the only person paul has. Instead of being close to his father like any boy should be, he as afraid of him. I think it was good for him to go to NY to live his own life, even though i also thought it was bad because nobody is around to keep an eye in him.

Anonymous said...

Well honestly, I feel that Paul is just a strange cookie. Maybe it's just the way he is presented in the story. Or maybe it's just because I personally don't know enough about him, but I'm still not sure if he's truely all there for me. I just get the feeling that he is underestimated and quickly judged by his peers,according to his first impression. Which is not always the best way to go about knowing someone. At least without giving him a chance.
As far as his "fairy tale" life, I don't find that weird at all. At least not for him to be called "delusional" for it. We all as human beings wish to have things that we just aren't provided. Paul just takes it to the next level by always being in that state of mind. (Maybe it's just because I, myself, find my head always in the clouds).
But I can also see how having this state of mind can be negative. Whenever Paul get's into his "fantasy world" he eventually has to come back to present day life. That's kind of when his happiness just crashes in front of him. Knowing that he isn't living the life that he would like isn't good news for anyone. And come on, if you put yourself in Paul's shoes, tell me you wouldn't be "delusional" as well.

Anonymous said...

i believe that paul is just a misunderstood teenager who just wants to be accepted for who he is. He sees the world around him to be boring and dull. He wishes his life was more like the theater world which is rich and bright allowing him to express himself but he is unable to show his real world self to the theater people who he feels will disown him if they see who he is and the life he lives.

Anonymous said...

So Basicly I Think Its Good That Paul Is Getting Away From His Family And His School.
I Think It Will Let Him Be Himself All The Time And Not Act Like Two Totally Different People.
I Think It Will Let Him Meet People Who Appreciate The Same Things He Does.
Also I Think It Will Make His "Fantasy World" Become More Real.

Sorry For Typing In All Capitial Letters.
It Just How I Type.
I Cant Help It.
And The Fact That My Name Comes Up In All Lower Case Letters Bothers Me Because I Did Type It In Capitial Letters.

Anonymous said...

I feel that Paul is an example of an average teenager. You will find it extremely rare to find someone exactlty like Paul but there are some out there. Paul uses the "theatre/fantasy world" to imagine his life being in a better state. Obviously we realize Paul is unhappy with his "reality" but in a sense its not his fault because he physically is with out his mom and it kind of seems the same with his dad. His dad isnt there for him like we think that he should be, he doesn't even feel that he is able to pose as a model/icon to Paul and that seems to have a HUGE effect on Paul! He doesn't like his imagining and dreaming is how he copes with his unhappiness!!! I feel like Paul sometimes, my room is where I am able to express myself without the interference of something or someone of lesser interest. I keep to myself often as does Paul throughout the story. Paul is just as normal as the next person!!!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion paul is just living life how everybody else does.No one really understands him well at all.Paul is definitely in his own little world.But so far i think its different and going to be pretty neat.Since we didn't get that far we will see what is going to happen in class the next few days.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Paul is just trying to gain confedence.I think he is just trying to take life one step at a time.In some ways its kinda like riding a bike.Don't you need help when you first start learning?We all need 2 learn how to pedal before we can move on.Most people observe there surroundings to learn the correct way to do this.Thats what i think Paul is doin.I think he is just starting to learn how to pedal his life.Thats why he travels to so many fantasy worlds.The fantasy worlds represent the progess he makes while pedaling.Each time he goes to a fantasy world he begins to get his real life moving easier.This should keep him on the smooth side of life.

Anonymous said...

I think that Paul has two different personalities,and that people focus so much in his personality in school that they mis-judge him.i think he lives in two worlds to relieve stress and get away from everything that bothers him.

Anonymous said...

Paul is a very troubled child. The way he's caught between his 2 world's makes his life all the more complicated, and the contrast between them seems to widen as we continue to read the story. Somewhere along the line there has to be a breaking point, and I'm sure that with his ambitions, he'll find a way to open the "window" and transfer to the other side, his Fantasy life. In a sense, i think that we can all see a little of Paul in ourselves. We're continually trying to seek our goals, and every now and then we can see them, but not quite get to them. But as long as we keep working toward them, then maybe one day we"ll transfer through that window to the other side.

Anonymous said...

I think paul is allright, you can't blame him for having two different personalitys. The real world is terrible, he lives on cordelia street which is lifeless and is always the same also he has a bad relationship with his father and last his house is a absolute disaster. In the fantasy world he can get away from all of this and do what he loves to do. But Soon he gonna have to pick one and make a decision.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who states "Paul is simply misunderstood". I believe that Paul is a regular kid just like the rest of us who is stuck in an environment he wishes could be different...We all daydream and wish things could be different at times. When Paul hears his music it puts him in a world of his own, it's like his way of escaping the world he hates and going into one he could be proud of and happy in.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul is under alot of stress. He probably can't handle everything going on in his life and as an escape he created a different world. Kind of as a way to just divert the stress and not have to worry about it.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul is just different, and bacause he's not like everyone else people tend to think that theres somthing wrong with him. I think Paul was just born in the wrong time. Every other kid I know is not too fond of school, has problems with their parents and loves music.Paul just has big dreams of one day living the life of his fantasy world.Who knows maybe he will live that life.

Mr. G. Falcone said...

Matt...I'm glad you're beginning to enjoy the story, perhaps you can elaborate upon this a bit.

Anonymous said...

ahh well lets see i think we dont fully understand paul i thing he looks at the world in a different light than the rest of us

hes in a bad position but he deals with it by living in his fantacy world

~Hamilton, Aaron (5L)

Mr. G. Falcone said...

Fisher...your analytical comment is "extraordinary"!

Anonymous said...

I think yhat paul is a mysterious kid who takes intrest in things that average kids are not interested in,for example the arts and theatre and for that he is misunderstood. I bet when he gets older he will get a grip if the REAL world and let go of the "fantasy" world.

Mr. G. Falcone said...'s very interesting how you describe Paul's fantasy world as Utopian in nature. Great use of the English language!

Anonymous said...

I also agree with a previous blogger that Paul is just misunderstood. He has nothing positive going on in his life so he resorts to day dreaming to escape. Although his is a little extreme; he is a normal person. If you didnt have a mother, everyone looked at you funny, and you lived in poverty;; would you want everyone to think you were crazy? Paul does does what we would probably do if we lived under his circumstances.

Mr. G. Falcone said...

Mike...good point but what if he has repeatedly tried to gain the attention of his fathers but has failed every time? Therefore, he turns elsewhere to seek the attention of anyone who will stop and take note of his miserable existence. Then again, maybe he's not seeking anyone's attention.

Anonymous said...

Paul is just a straight weird, confused person. I think I can compare him a lot of psycho people in this world. But I do somewhat see why he always is thinking about that fantasy world. If I lived with a father who gets me paranoid, I know Im not as good as the other kids, and if I lived in the conditions that Paul is living in I will most definately think about having a better life. To me, Paul's fantasy world is to make him forget about the real things that are happening with him. Alot of people do things so they can get away like read, walk, play music, meditate and many other things. Paul just happens to be that weirdo who tries to forget about reality very frequently. In a way Paul is somewhat normal because he does normal things like lie. But to me what makes him a little weird is when he in class doing all that unnecessary stuff. But so far the story is somewhat ok and when we read more of the story we can figure out why Paul is the way he is and after all he might just be normal, just a LITTLE.

Anonymous said...

My views about Paul is very simple. I think that Paul is just like any other high school student. Many teenagers go through through many different things at home and don't know how to express themselves when they get around other people. They try to hide their feelings and keep to themselves. That is why Paul imagines himself living in a fantasy world. He feels that he has to live in this fantasy world to feel wanted. Paul is just living life like a normal teenager, and going through the stages that teenagers go through. I also think that Paul is gay!!!!! Lol. Well idk. The actions that he show in the story give hints that he may be gay!!

Anonymous said...

CHeck me out im bloggin!!!Any way how i feel about paul is he mad cool.He normal as all get up,not even in the slightest having an over active imagination.He just does not agree with his surroundings.Some time in every bodies life they feel as though they dont belong and desire to be somewhere else.For example the writer of The kite Runner.Im sure when he was fifteen first coming to America being broke he at least in the begining felt as though he deserved better or should be somewhere else doing something else.Thats how i feel.....Its been real


Mr. G. Falcone said... certainly have a way of expressing yourself...anyways, I particularly enjoyed how you made a connection between "Paul's Case" and The Kite Runner.

Anonymous said...

I guess you can say that Paul is a really interesting case. Some may say that Paul is "crazy", I see it differently. I don't really think he is misunderstood either. How can you misunderstand someone if you know absolutely nothing about them? Think about it. No one really cares to understand him. I can kind of understand why Paul almost shelters himself from everyone around him. If no one else cares, why should he?

Anonymous said...

First i want to apologize (my bad) for taking so long to post a comment, but it will not happen again now that i know how to access the site. I personally can relate to Paul because when I was younger i too or if my life wasn't at it"s best would imagine my own fantasy world when I felt like an outsider. All right I'm returning to class now.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe Paul is delusional at all. Paul is just tired of living the same dull life everyday. He knows what he wants in life but he has no way of getting it. Like most people, Paul dreams of beautiful things and admires those who are blessed to have it.
I agree with Jamal. Paul is just simply misunderstood. When you don't quite understand someone its because your not living their life or facing their struggles everyday.

Anonymous said...

Paul thinks way to much for his own good. His little fairy tale world that he's always thinking about probably won't come true anytime in the near future. I think Paul needs to get out of his little fantasy world and somehow improve his chances of succeeding in life. That way he would be less of a failure in the eyes of his father.

Anonymous said...

Some people might see Paul as weird and misunderstood and i can agree in a way. I feel that if you don't understand his character or personality you would very well think that he's weird. I've concluded from what I've read that he's actually just different but quite normal. After all everyone has probably felt out of place at some point in time in their life and that's how Paul feels about school and home. In fact everyone has a place within them that they feel comfortable. With Paul, his way of escape is his vivid imagination. I think he just has a diffrent way of expressing himself. To Paul the artsy,theater type of stuff is like the oxygen he breathes it keeps him living.

Anonymous said...

Paul has a wild imagination and I admire it. I mean what kid doesn't imagine a better life for themselves when their reality just isn't going right? And Paul is not a bad kid but when others just don't seem to get you or surround you with negative attitudes, you just can't help but to disrespect the ones who want to bring you down for having dreams.
Like Paul, music is my escape from all my troubles. I put on a song that fits my mood at the time and imagine my dream world.

Anonymous said...

What I see is a teenage boy who did
not have a wonderful much less a good
childhood while growing up. He did
not have a mother for his whole life.
Hi father possibly did something in
his childhood to make him fear his
own father's anger. He hate his whole
life so he created his own vivacious
little world as a way to escape his
bleak and horrible life. His fantasy
world was a world filled with color, music, light, warmth and happiness that compared to his bland, quiet,dark, cold and sad real life he see a world of lies
instead of the truth.

Mr. G. Falcone said...

Congratulations to all who successfully completed their first blog entry of the year! I was truly impressed with a great number of entries as they undoubtedly reflect a great deal of insight...taking us deeper into the issues our seemingly complex character is facing. I also learned from many of your posts as you've shared with me a different view of the story. I feel this was a great learning experience for all of us and look forward to our next one. Great job everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr.FaliKaniOno
I believe the song "Dream World" by Robin Thicke can relate to Paul because he lives in both his "reality" world and "fantasy" world. Paul is more of a person who likes to imagine and dream. I believe he likes to think in "what if I" situations because of his eveyday struggles. Only maybe once in a while Paul would seem happy. For example when Paul is at the theatre, or alone he begins to imagine and dream and live in his fantasy world. In reality, Paul seems unhappy and somewhat depressed.He doesn't like where he lives, his father hardly praises him on his actions (when he tries to do something good) and his father is rather embarassed to even call Paul his son. To sum it all up, I think Paul is a good person deep down inside and needs someone in his life to make him feel better about himself...Who knows, maybe something GOOD will happen to Paul later on in the story...

If you would like to listen to "Dream World" by Robin Thicke, I placed the website under my Name. When you get there type in the song and search for it. If you have any questions or concerns (Mr.FaliKaniOno) feel free to contact me at anytime!!!! Thank You

Anonymous said...

I believe that Paul is a creative boy that's is misunderstood. Also he just expresses his imagination and get viewed as a problem child. He's just see's his world differently then the people around him. He hates his real world he thinks its boring and useless. He comes alive when he gets to his fantasy world. Ror example, after school he goes to Garnegie Hall and loses himself in the art in the gallery and also when the lady sings in the opera. Paul just wants his life to be interesting and filled with life.

Anonymous said...

I think paul is simply living in his own world. He steals the money from his job and doesn't seem to think that he'll get caught. Like he runs away to New York and seems to think he has it made. But in reality he's gunna, someones gunna see sooner or later and hes gunna get in trouble. And I also think he trys to come off tough but he really isn't. Paul needs help and won't accept it.
Zielinski, B (5L)